Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First steps

I watched Maya today take her first real steps. It was the first time she has taken more than a couple steps. She took about five or six stops to smile at you then takes five or six more before falling in her behind. Pretty cool to watch. It brought tears to my eyes.

I don't have a photo yet but will work on that.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Haven't done a bath photo

Here is an in motion bath photo. She's totally trying to get me wet.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

11 months later

It took her 11 months to find a certain someone's favorite drawer but she did! I'm waiting very cautiously for her to squish her finger. Oh I hope not!

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cheapest toy ever

So yes, we did takeout. You can see the evidence. She played with the bag for I kid you not 10 minutes and was mad when I took it away from her. It was quite funny.

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My first pony

Look at what the girls did at school. Isn't this cute? I love it.

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Look at that attitude

I can't remember if she was grumpy or tired or ........

Look at that look

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Christmas dress

Here's her Christmas dress. I'll get the official photo up here soon. $12. I love it.

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First time eating white rice

She didn't like it much and in typical Maya fashion spit it back out at me.

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My new favorite toy

This is so funny. The new favorite toy is the dishwasher. If Maya is in the family room and Mike opens up the dishwasher Maya immediately heads to the kitchen stomping crawling right over so she can bang things together.

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I'm a big girl

Mike went to California without us and I was trying to send him photos regularly. This one I'm calling "I'm a big girl"

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My first Halloween outfit

This is the outfit I sent Maya to school in for Halloween. I forgot to get a photo early in the morning so this one is awfully grumpy but it's the best I could do.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/20 - Bang Bang

This girl is all over place. She pulls herself up to everything. The wine rack had to get moved out of the kitchen, I can imagine her pulling that on top of her. The plants got moved out of the kitchen. She's found the drawers and has started pulling on the drawers. This is the latest, pulling herself up against the sliding glass window and banging on it. I call this Bang Bang, Let me out.

10/17 - Chewing on the TV Stand

So, she likes to rub those two bottom teeth of hers along the TV stand. Isn't that awesome. Here's a photo of her pulling herself up to the TV stand. We have a photo of Josh doing the same thing.

10/10 - I found the tower of terror

We have this huge stand in the family room, Mike and I call it the tower of terror. Notice there is nothing on the bottom shelf. She crawls on top, around and through the tower of terror. Next I expect her to start climbing up. Yikes.

10/06 - My new favorite toy

Maya's favorite toy is now the vertical blinds, she pulls them, chews on them, throws them around so the metal weights fall out. Very very cute.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sitting up and pulling up

This girl is growing FAST. I had Mike lower the crib earlier this week because I can tell she was about ready to do big things. Here it is. Yesterday, 8 months 8 days, she sits on her bottom from a crawling position. Very very exciting. This morning, 8 months 9 days, she pulls herself up to the couch. I have a picture of her on her knees but then pulls up to standing right after. She's army crawling all over the place, chews on the rugs on the floor (ew gross) and tries to get Mama's shoes all over the kitchen. She has two teeth, I'm wondering if more are coming in. She's not sleeping but hardly at all. It's rough on me. Wow, am I tired. She's a doll and I LOVE HER.

Monday, September 7, 2009

6 month photos

Some of my favorite 6 month photos.

Big changes

This little girl is growing up so quickly. In the last week she's started to army crawl and has broken her first and second teeth. You can hardly see them but they are there. She's also graduated to the bathtub as those long legs of hers are stopping her from being in the sink any longer.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just plain fell asleep

I'm literally in the middle of feeding her. She starts getting heavy lidded and just plain fell asleep. Very sweet and very cute.

She's close to many things. Close to crawling, close to getting her first tooth. I think I can see the tooth just under the skin.

New sounds DaDa, BaBa, GaGa.

I have six month photos I need to get out there. Very soon, I promise.

New trick

The newest trick is sticking out our tongue. It's quite cute. Mike was going crazy taking photos of Maya in the bathtub (sink). She's getting so big she's quickly growing out of the sink. We need to find the plastic blow up tub for the real tub.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Play date with Reagan

We got the girls together to play. Reagan just wanted to hold the baby, feed the baby, it was so cute. Reagan is going to be a great big sister. Notice my hand tickling (sp?) Reagan's foot. It's the only way she'd smile.

Sitting up like a big girl

It's too bad this picture has a green tint to it, apparently the camera is dying. Who knew. This is one of the first times Maya is sitting up for long periods of time without falling over. This picture is back from July 21st. Six Months and 10 days old.

Best $29.95 spent in a long time

Maya loves to sleep with her face planted into the corner. This breathable bumper thing, oh my goodness, the best $29.95 I've spent in a long time. I had to take the big bumper out because she kept sticking her face against it. I guess this is okay now. She has little mesh marks on her face some mornings.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's official

Maya has officially been made a member of our family. We had our day in court and we were pronounced a family!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Such a hard day

It's too hard to even try and explain..............................................

Helping The Mama do laundry

Couldn't resist.

Big Girl Big Chair

She's graduated to a high chair. Although it's most fun to chew on the shoulder straps.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

24 Weeks

I thought it time for another monkey photo.  But you can't tell how big, how long, how charming she is.  I'll try for a better one next time. 

OK, you get the charming part, don't you? 

My own little recliner

This is the second time now I've come downstairs and have seen Maya all propped up like she's sitting in her own little recliner.  She's really close to sitting up on her own.  She'll do it but leans a bit too far and she'll fall over.  This morning I came downstairs to find her sitting in the recliner watching 'Baby Einstein'  Very very cute.   See what I mean.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So sleepy...................

This has become a daily occurrence for us.  I pick up Baby Girl from school, pack her up in her carrier and get her settled in the car.  She does this cute little moaning thing, almost a whimper.  That's her way of telling me she's so tired.  Of course, that would all be solved if she would take naps at school.  Another topic.  The other day, I pick her up, she's moaning in the back seat, we stop at my friends house for a visit, Maya's awake, alert watching my friends 2 year old and 5 year old running around.  We get back in the car and she starts the whimpering/moaning thing again.  Very cute.  I'm reminded of this as I watch her right now in the swing whimpering.  

No real new pictures.  I do have a very cute video of her jumping up and down in the jumper-oo.  I just have to figure out how to get it out here.

I figured it out.  Enjoy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

22 Weeks - She's graduated

Little Missy is getting big enough to sit up (kinda) so she's graduated to a sit in the sink kind of bath tub.     She's having a good time.  

She loves the jumper-oo

She bounces like crazy in this thing.  It's the cutest thing in the world.  She's grabbing for the toys in front of her and has so much fun. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

21 Weeks

Apparently, I can't count.  21 weeks.  I'm guessing the other entry for 21 weeks is a big fib.  I took a whole bunch of pictures here, this is the only one that wasn't blurry.  Dag nabbit.   She's doing well, growing like a weed and she makes me smile every single day. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Look at how perfectly my thumb fits

She's not normally a thumb sucker, more like a 3 finger or all of my hand sucker.  This was too cute to pass up. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Maya's Firsts

I guess I have to count myself as a "new Mom" because Joshie certainly never did this stuff.  Maya downed her last bottle of the night and spit most of it back up.  I put her to bed knowing she'd be up at 2:30 AM wanting a snack.  Well, it was 3:30 AM and instead of a snack I find her drenched.  Cold and wet.  So, at 3:30 THIS MORNING, she got a bath and new sheets and new jammies.  Whew.  I don't think I ever went back to sleep while cutie-pa-tutie certainly did.  Took 4 ounces, got some snuggles from Daddy and slept until I woke her at 7:00 AM.  

Let's not do that again anytime soon.  I'm tired.

BIG Glasses BIG smiles

How cute is this???  We went shopping in Chicago on Saturday, she's such a trooper. 

Sunday, May 31, 2009

She rolls over

I actually saw the girl roll over today.  She did it three times while I was watching.  I put her laying in her stomach and I looked again and she was on her back.  I rolled her over again and there she did it, right in front of me.  I'm such a goober, it brought tears to my eyes.    The girls at school said they had seen her roll over but this is the first time I saw it myself.  How cool is that?

Missy and I went to Chicago yesterday to do some shopping with Aunt CiCi.   A very cute picture to follow.  

She's 22 weeks today and such a joy.  She's mostly sleeping through the night.   Right now she sitting in the swing, sleeping, making little sucking motions with her mouth.  It's adorable. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

21 Weeks

What you can't see is the smiling girl.  Look how good she's "sitting up" on her arms.  I've gotten her to giggle a couple of times but can't get it on film.  She's rolled over quite accidently a couple of times.  I think that time is coming soon. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Cereal

Kinda gross but here's the big girl eating cereal for the first time.  She's had it 3 more times since then and seems to be getting the idea. 

20 Weeks and sitting in the bumbo

Yep, those are her fingers AGAIN in her mouth.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

She can barely touch

So, here's the funny part.  I bought this so long ago she would just hang there.  Yesterday Mike put her in there and her little toes ALMOST touch the ground.  We stuck the phone book under her to help her out.  

ALWAYS chewing on her hands

I swear teeth are coming in.  She's always chewing on her hands.

18 Weeks and a few days

You can't tell what a big girl she is.  Lots of smiles and lots of snuggles. 

She's soooooooooooo tired

She just plain fell over in Mike's arms.  Very very cute.

Maya and Granny in California

Maya was a champ traveling.  She got a bug during week and just wanted to be loved.  Poor Baby.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

13 Weeks

Can you tell how much she's growing?  I have a hard time since I see her every day.  She's a great eater, almost 6 ounces a feeding.  I'm not trying to jinx anything here but the last three nights she's slept all the way through.  I'm such a sleeper so that is sooooo exciting to me.  She's smiley and happy and loves that toy where the animals are overhead.  She will lay there and talk to the animals.  We also have a mobile on her crib and she's mesmerized by that thing.  I'll have to get a picture of that.

No 12 Week pictures

Sorry about that.  My camera died with no batteries.  So, no 12 week pictures.  Kh'Mara came to visit, check out the smile on her face.