Saturday, June 26, 2010

A new toy for Maya

We put together this peddle car for Maya. She loves it Good job Aunt Lucy.

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Can you find the Maya?

It's 90 degrees outside and this girl is snuggled up with a blanket.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

I love the ponies.

Can you see the pony tail? It's the cutest thing.

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Funny story

We put Maya in the bath tub last night and she immediately put her head face down in the water. I'm trying to figure out if she as blowing bubbles. She comes up with a face full of bubbles. It was the cutest thing and she didn't care a bit I winder if it's time for swimming lessons.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maya loves her bath time

I've got a big girl chair

Mom and Granny bought me a big girl chair and I LOVE IT.

I'm so proud of myself

I can climb all over the furniture now. I'm a big girl.

Maya has molars at 17 months!!!

I sure hope I spelled that right. Maya has four molars, one on each side, top and bottom. Pretty cool.