Sunday, December 19, 2010

Twinkle Twinkle

This weekend I can hear Maya singing something along the tune of "Twinkle twinkle" so I start to sing it for her. She know the words............opens her hands up for the twinkle twinkle part, says "up up" for the "up above" part, says something else for the "how I wonder" part. Mike got it on video, I'll have to figure out how to show you guys.

Wheels on the bus is another one she knows..............she has all the hand motions for "round and round" "wah wah go the babies" "sshhh sshhh says the mommies" Wiggles her behind, CUTEST THING EVER.

12/03/2010 - Babies and baskets

What is it with babies and cats and laundry baskets??? Must be in them!!! What's funny is..........Maya was trying to tip this one over. She's a dare devil.

Have to have the crying baby with Santa picture, right?

We didn't do Santa last year so this is the first ever picture with Santa. Maya didn't like him much. You have to have the crying baby with Santa picture, don't you?

12/03/2010 - Night Night

Maya was doing this thing where she laid down on the floor and said "night night" So we gave her a pillow and blanket. She's so dang cute.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The first time she.......................

Maya crawled (fell) out of her crib tonight. Yikes. Why does this scare me so much??? That's exactly the reason why I had Mike put a gate at the top of the stairs MONTHS ago. I'm a worry wart, can't help it.

Mike is afraid of the day that she creeps into our room puts her face right up against his and scares the CRAP out of him. I'm so looking forward to that. ;)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Go Go Go 11/05/2010

She has this little dump truck of sorts, came with a bunch of stacking pieces in it. The lastest thing is to squeeeeeeeeeeeeeze herself in there and then point to the kitchen and wave to the rest of us left in the living room "bye" Cutest thing ever.

Sicker than a dog - 11/02/2010

We made it almost two years without experiencing vomiting. Here she is sicker than a dog and then brought it home to Mike, Jessica, Jess' mom and Jess' step-dad. No fun

The best box EVER 11/01/2010

Aunt Stephanie sent a box and it was so much fun, she pushed it around the kitchen, sat on it, so much fun.

Our first family vacation to Arizona 10/24/2010

We took our first family vacation to Arizona at the end of October 2010. Maya was such a helper, here she is helping me unpack the suitcases.

This was our first night at the hotel.

We spent everyday down at the pool. She loved it. Mike and Maya took many a trip down the water slide.

Both hotels we visited had these water fountains the kids could play in. I think we, okay Mike and Maya spent more time in the water than anything else.

It was a wonderful relaxing vacation in the 90 degree weather. It was hard to come home.

Look at all those teeth 10/08/2010

She just loves hiding in this cut out 10/02/2010

Hang on, we're going for a ride 09/27/2010

Look at my clown shoes 09/24/2010

Can't keep the kiddo out of the dishwasher 09/23/2010

Varoom Varoom 09/22/2010

Yogurt all over the place 09/26/2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Maya loves to read

Can you see the two ponytails? She came home from school with four ponies, braided with do-dads at the top and bottom. Way too hard to remove from a wiggly one before bedtime.

Ohh that TV and it's magical powers

Take new meaning to "go sit in the corner"

Rock a bye baby

She still loves the laundry basket

Monday, August 2, 2010

This requires explanation

I'm not sure what got into her. She needed to fit inside this box, so she did over and over again. Very silly.

My new place

And who says cats like small places better than kids?

Do you think Daddy's work will mind if I help?

My backyard, let me show you

This is the fence


Maya picks up the cell phone, holds it to her ear, and says "Hi" Where do they learn this stuff???

Every girl needs a mohawk

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A new toy for Maya

We put together this peddle car for Maya. She loves it Good job Aunt Lucy.

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Can you find the Maya?

It's 90 degrees outside and this girl is snuggled up with a blanket.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

I love the ponies.

Can you see the pony tail? It's the cutest thing.

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Funny story

We put Maya in the bath tub last night and she immediately put her head face down in the water. I'm trying to figure out if she as blowing bubbles. She comes up with a face full of bubbles. It was the cutest thing and she didn't care a bit I winder if it's time for swimming lessons.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maya loves her bath time

I've got a big girl chair

Mom and Granny bought me a big girl chair and I LOVE IT.

I'm so proud of myself

I can climb all over the furniture now. I'm a big girl.

Maya has molars at 17 months!!!

I sure hope I spelled that right. Maya has four molars, one on each side, top and bottom. Pretty cool.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sacked out on the Granny

This is the Palm Springs trip 4/23 - 5/01

Just a bit snotty

A little snot never hurt anyone especially if it's on my pants, my shirt or my legs. Gross.

Fish lips

We call this look fish lips!!!!

I got a new camera

Maybe this one can keep up with her.......................we shall see. Notice the non matching jammies. Oooops.

A new kind of pony tail

Mike figured out how to do this while I was in Colorado. Too cute!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May's words

While in CA she figured out how to say

Bye - while blowing kisses

Too too cute.

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April's words

Well before then too but at least this is a good place to write them down


She said MaMa for about two days. I don't know where that disappeared to.

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I lOVE paper

Sometimes paper, trash,

recycling is the best toy EVER.

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What do you think of my hat?

In California having a grand old time.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dare devil baby

I think this picture doesn't require words. Ok one WOW

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Too tired to eat

How about if I just lay my head down here and take a little rest.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Learned how to dance

well not really, more like twirl. We have a couple of little toys that make music. Maya steps back a couple of steps and twirls and twirls. It's very very cute.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Couldn't wait ten more minutes

So tired............

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Dance like no ones watching

Maya and I do this book reading/singing thing. Yep, this girl is in the middle of the room clapping smiling and making sure everyone is watching her. She's a ham.

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Pictures with real live bunnies

We took pictures the other day with real live bunnies. Now let me remind you that Maya LOVES Tig. Tig won't have anything to do with her. The photographer sat a bunny next to the girl, Maya picked up the bunny by his ears. OK well that's one way to do it. They sat a different bunny down and Maya patted the bunny. When I say patted I don't mean nicely. I felt bad for the bunny. He didn't care. I'll get some photos up here if they turn out.

That's a big bow

The girls at school bought this giant bow for the girl. It's so dang cute. She only sat still long enough for me to get these pictures. Notice her hand is in motion. ;)

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Crashed out on Aunt Mimi

There us nothing better than being so safe and comfy that you can fall asleep. Is there?

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Just an update

You guys will all have to forgive me but my camera can't keep up with the girl anymore. I hope you can be happy with updates as I describe them. Not the same at all. I know. I have some video. I'll try to work on getting it out here.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sitting like a big girl

I know you can't really tell but she's
sitting in a big girl chair. It's the stinking cutest thing.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

1/2 naked

Can you tell she's 1/2 naked? We're having diaper issues around the house with terrible terrible diaper rash. No fun for Maya. Trying to let her air out. No luck so far.

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