Sunday, May 31, 2009

She rolls over

I actually saw the girl roll over today.  She did it three times while I was watching.  I put her laying in her stomach and I looked again and she was on her back.  I rolled her over again and there she did it, right in front of me.  I'm such a goober, it brought tears to my eyes.    The girls at school said they had seen her roll over but this is the first time I saw it myself.  How cool is that?

Missy and I went to Chicago yesterday to do some shopping with Aunt CiCi.   A very cute picture to follow.  

She's 22 weeks today and such a joy.  She's mostly sleeping through the night.   Right now she sitting in the swing, sleeping, making little sucking motions with her mouth.  It's adorable. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

21 Weeks

What you can't see is the smiling girl.  Look how good she's "sitting up" on her arms.  I've gotten her to giggle a couple of times but can't get it on film.  She's rolled over quite accidently a couple of times.  I think that time is coming soon. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Cereal

Kinda gross but here's the big girl eating cereal for the first time.  She's had it 3 more times since then and seems to be getting the idea. 

20 Weeks and sitting in the bumbo

Yep, those are her fingers AGAIN in her mouth.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

She can barely touch

So, here's the funny part.  I bought this so long ago she would just hang there.  Yesterday Mike put her in there and her little toes ALMOST touch the ground.  We stuck the phone book under her to help her out.  

ALWAYS chewing on her hands

I swear teeth are coming in.  She's always chewing on her hands.

18 Weeks and a few days

You can't tell what a big girl she is.  Lots of smiles and lots of snuggles. 

She's soooooooooooo tired

She just plain fell over in Mike's arms.  Very very cute.

Maya and Granny in California

Maya was a champ traveling.  She got a bug during week and just wanted to be loved.  Poor Baby.