Sunday, April 12, 2009

13 Weeks

Can you tell how much she's growing?  I have a hard time since I see her every day.  She's a great eater, almost 6 ounces a feeding.  I'm not trying to jinx anything here but the last three nights she's slept all the way through.  I'm such a sleeper so that is sooooo exciting to me.  She's smiley and happy and loves that toy where the animals are overhead.  She will lay there and talk to the animals.  We also have a mobile on her crib and she's mesmerized by that thing.  I'll have to get a picture of that.

No 12 Week pictures

Sorry about that.  My camera died with no batteries.  So, no 12 week pictures.  Kh'Mara came to visit, check out the smile on her face.